Saturday, April 12, 2008

Aims and Objectives of the project

The aim of the project is to build a marketing strategy to bring dignity in the life of the de-notified tribes .The rhetoric of the media will be built through the collaboration of the languages of advertisement and theater.

The project will initiate new platforms for information dissemination and building public opinion such as projections in multiplexes during intervals, cabel advertisements, entertainment screens in outlets of Barista, CCD, local film clubs, windows of retail outlets etc.

The project is an exploration in the field of participatory art in which the theater artists of Charranagar will collaborate in shaping and designing the syntax along with the use of their bodies as the medium to be on record.

The project aspires to bring about awareness of the inhuman treatment meted out to the De-notified tribes and at the same time help to build a positive attitude towards their struggle.